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About Us

From Necessity to Passion

Started with a necessity to avoid products that were causing itching after each shower, we began learning why and discovered that chemical substances like sulfites in soap and thousands of non-natural ingredients were the cause of my husband’s skin condition.

A Decade of Natural Discovery

The Journey Begins

Over ten years ago, our quest for healthier, skin-friendly products took root in the simplest of rituals—bathing. Discontent with the irritations caused by commercial soaps, we embarked on a mission to create something better. Our early experiments with soap bars were humble, yet marked the beginning of a transformative journey.

Crafted with Care, Shared with Love

Initially intended for our personal use, the difference in quality and the relief it brought to our skin was too significant to keep to ourselves. As we shared our creations with friends and family, the feedback was unanimous—this was not just soap; it was a revelation.

Expanding Our Horizons

Encouraged by the positive impact, our curiosity and passion for natural products deepened. We didn’t stop at soap bars. Our kitchen became our laboratory, Then our Basement, a place of endless experimentation and discovery. We delved into the world of deodorants, liquid soaps, candles, and body lotions, and more.. each product a step forward in our journey.

Beyond the Product:

With every new creation, our knowledge of natural ingredients, their benefits, and their potential grew. We learned that what we put on our skin is as important as what we put in our bodies. This understanding has been the foundation of our research and development process, guiding us to explore and innovate continuously.

Today's Treasures: The Coconut Essence

Now, a decade into our journey, Cocco 4U stands as a testament to the boundless potential of nature, with the coconut at the heart of our innovation. This miraculous fruit, known for its hydrating and nourishing properties, is the main star of all our creations—from the soothing soap bars to our enriching body lotions.

Why Coconut?

The choice is clear. Coconut oil, revered for its high concentration of fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants, offers profound benefits for the skin. It’s not just a moisturizer; it’s a natural healer and protector. Its ability to penetrate the skin deeply results in unparalleled hydration, leaving the skin soft, supple, and radiant. Beyond hydration, coconut oil possesses antimicrobial properties, making it an ideal ingredient for combating skin irritations and promoting a healthier complexion.

Versatility and Vitality

Our commitment to coconut goes beyond its skin benefits. We celebrate its versatility in form and function—whether it’s the gentle cleansing of our liquid soaps, the ambient glow of our candles, or the delicate scent of our deodorants. Each product is designed to harness the coconut’s natural goodness, offering a holistic approach to wellness and beauty.

At Cocco 4U, we invite you to delve into the purity and luxury of our coconut-based treasures. Experience the transformative power of nature's most versatile gift, and let your skin bask in the glow of natural wellness.